Sunday, 5 October 2008


I feel that I actually need a new post to give a slightly better description of my host family (mostly my Dad). Everyone golfs a lot except for Stina (I can definitely relate). After my host Dad (Jan) and Brother (Jacob) lost in a tournament yesterday, they both came back in rather foul moods to watch soccer and drink some beer. I went out to Beerfest and when I woke up today, it was raining sideways and about 10 degrees celcious outside. I spent the majority of the day inside with my host brother who was recovering from a gnarly hangover, or as my family put it in Swedish he had a "concrete hat" on. I watched an angry Swedish movie about a cook on a ship during the afternoon, and it was not particularly uplifting. Anyway, I went with my host dad to the store before dinner and while we were pulling out of the parking lot another van pulled up in front of us so we couldn't take the easiest way out. A chubby Swede stepped out of the driver's seat and Jan prepared a firing squad of insults that would make Grandma roll over in her grave. My favorite was; (translated) "Fucking Santa!" The entirety of dinner was spent making fun of Jacob and his "concrete hat." Usually our weekend dinners consist of making fun of whoever has the worst hangover. I am awaiting my turn for this traumatic, yet hilarious tradition.

After dinner, while I was doing the dishes, Jan came and took a Babe Ruth sized bite of my chocolate peice and insisted otherwise after I accused him.

1 comment:

lady on the left said...

I like the "Concrete Hat". In German they call it a "Kater" which translates into "Big fat Tom cat". The concrete hat seems more appropriate!